13 April 2011


A few years ago, I saw a feature on television about an agency that helped find homes for retired greyhounds. I decided then that if I ever got a dog, it would be a greyhound. Though puppies are gorgeous, I've never wanted to take on a pet that needed constant attention as well as basic house training. Retired greyhounds are not only elegant and easy going, they are generally between the ages of two and six when they're done with racing. My window washer at the shop, Mark, was recently telling me about his two greyhounds and he got me hankering for one of my own. All of a sudden, I'm noticing greyhounds everywhere -- the real variety and and a few that take inspiration from their real-life counterparts. With their natural elegance and svelte physiques, greyhounds were a popular inspiration for art deco designers. The intertwined pair above are thought to have been part of a department store display. I may have to settle for a stylish imitation until I can bring a real one into my life.

Playing card from Paper Picker.

Bronze statue from Julia Boston Antiques.

Dog park sign from The Antique and Artisan Center.

Images: Flea Market Style magazine, 2011 issue. Paper Picker. Julia Boston Antiques. The Antique and Artisan Center. The McNally Company Antiques. The Antique and Artisan Center.

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